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MISSION 1: Space Medicine and Biology (SMB)

Sahassra Aerospace is dedicated to pioneering innovations in Space Medicine and Biology (SMB) to unravel the impacts of space on human health and biological systems. Our mission is to develop cutting-edge solutions that enhance the well-being of astronauts during space missions and contribute to advancements in medical science on Earth.


MISSION 2: Astrobiology

At Sahassra Aerospace, we are committed to exploring the possibilities of life beyond Earth through our mission in Astrobiology. Our goal is to investigate the origins, evolution, and distribution of life in the universe, fostering scientific understanding and potentially transforming our perception of life itself.


MISSION 3: Bio-astronautics

In the domain of Bio-astronautics, Sahassra Aerospace is focused on developing pioneering technologies and methodologies to support human life in space environments. Our mission is to create sustainable and resilient solutions that enable extended human presence in space, paving the way for future space exploration and habitation.

MISSION 4: Future Initiatives

As we embark on future initiatives, Sahassra Aerospace remains committed to pushing the boundaries of space health and biology, aiming to address unresolved mysteries of medical sciences by leveraging space technologies and microgravity. Our endeavor is to enhance the quality of life on Earth while exploring the frontiers of space.

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